Journey of being blockchain developer!

1 min readSep 27, 2022

( DAY 0 )

So what's up, how is your learnings going on? Hope, Everything is going Great!

I had been listening multiple podcasts and watching multiple videos regarding blockchain, web3, Defi and DOAs and many more since like 3–4 months and now I am pretty sure about this technology and its potential.

Since I am from programming background it facilitates me a lot so now, I am officially starting to learn the Blockchain Development.

Just before the start, I want to give you my background experience about what I know in terms of technical skills. I have completed my engineering degree in Information Technology where I learnt just basics of C programming and some computer science concepts. I did the web development course from youtube where I learnt about HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

So now before starting this Journey of being blockchain developer, I have learnt HTML, CSS, JavaScript and built some projects around that and have some knowledge of Git and GitHub.

So from today (27/09/2022), I will be keep writing about what I learnt each day.

With that being said Let’s Begin the Journey of being blockchain developer …

