2 min readDec 10, 2022


The Beginner’s Guide to Making Money with AI

As a beginner, one way to make money online using AI is to provide AI-powered services or solutions to businesses or individuals. For example, you could develop AI-powered tools or software that helps businesses to automate tasks, analyze data, or make better decisions. You could also provide AI-powered solutions for personal use, such as virtual assistants, language translation tools, or personalized recommendations.

To make money online using AI as a beginner, you will need to invest time and effort in learning about AI technologies and their potential applications. There are many online resources and courses that can help you to develop your AI skills, including tutorials, videos, and online communities. You may also want to consider joining an AI-focused startup or organization, where you can gain experience and learn from other experts in the field.

In addition to providing AI-powered services, you could also make money online as a beginner by investing in AI-related stocks or startups. The AI industry is growing rapidly, and many companies are developing innovative AI technologies and solutions that have the potential to generate significant returns for investors. By researching and investing in AI-related assets, you could potentially earn money through appreciation or dividends.

Overall, there are many ways for beginners to make money online using AI, and the specific approach that will work best for you will depend on your skills, interests, and goals. It is important to invest in your education and to research and compare different opportunities and platforms in order to find the ones that are most likely to provide you with the best return on your investment of time and effort.

